La bibliot ec a comun ale di Civ ita Castell ana (Viterbo) è s t at a istituita nel 1970 in seguito alle istanze del Movimento giovanile di allora per ottenere un luogo della cultura che desse a tutti i cittadini, soprattutto ai meno abbienti, la possibilità of access to the tools of information and continuing education. Among the many purposes, especially to recreate the historical memory of a country destroyed by mercenaries in the past centuries, by the French and English direct passage to sack Rome.
We knew immediately that it was necessary to start from the boys, who then, and they were the majority, could only dispose of the subsidiary school. With the arrival of the first books, so rich in stories and colorful pictures, such as the library was assaulted by the school children but also adults, so that the City, from there a few years, he was forced to hire a librarian in organic plant. They organized the first meetings with the author. One of the first to be called was Gianni Rodari: it was twice, by train, humbly, and with his noble air and discharged. Children and teachers were so numerous that the hall could not hold them all: most were standing outside, standing on the adjacent street.
The library also became a gathering place for youth and adults who were attracted by the space available to them for theatrical events, conferences, shows popular. Administrators of the time (we are close to the Sixty-eight) were unprepared to respond to an urgent need for culture and participation coming from all social strata, especially among young people often exuberant in their demands, many close to heresy, so their fervor in claiming rights of participation and discussion never expressed before.
Meanwhile, the library grew in books and magazines, to the point that you had to find a new home. But after a few years of office, it took them another, and a fourth, the last, is an old market covered in the historical restored thanks to contributions from the Lazio Region. We moved in 1989 and, now, we're close here.
Currently, our history log entry recorded 40,027 documents. Of these, 251 CD-ROMs, 230 DVDs, 769 videotapes. We subscribed to seven daily newspapers and 82 current periodicals. In the archive, the most remote collections are: The Republic, since 1977, and, since 1973: The Civilization
The library has free internet stations, for writing papers, watching videos and DVDs and listening to audio CDs.
The library is part of the National Library Service and has adhered to shared cataloging through the program of Sebina Polo La Sapienza University in Rome. Currently online catalog of the library recorded 35,056 documents. With visibility into the catalog, has developed the interlibrary loan service, with daily demands that we come from many different libraries of Italy, even from abroad. It so happens that the library, to be one of the first to appear in Viterbo, contains documents now rare and precious, this is also thanks to private funds that over the years have been donated to the library. The shared cataloging has enabled us not only easier to search for documents in the catalog, but also automated the loan.
Civita Castellana, ceramic industrial center, has a population of 16,000 inhabitants. In recent years there has been a strong flow of immigrants, especially Romanians, who now occupied most of the houses in the historic center. So, not only schools but also the library, which is located in the historic, has been enriched by new users, especially children and young people, who, unlike their Italian, are more educated to read and, given the urgency of integrating even more motivated.
The opening to the public, except during the summer months is 42 hours per week, every day, including Sunday, from 10 to 13 and from 16 to 19.
The library, since 1994, is also publishing house, each book has an ISBN. The volumes dealing with local history, economics, religion, folklore, art and people as a dignified and severe. The editorial board consists of three librarians who have task of transcription, proofreading and layout. Books that are in the network, any virtual library (eg ), typing in the editor: Civita Castellana .
In the eighties of last century, the library was for a number of years also home to the drafting of a local magazine, The Informer Civitonico, coming out on time every two months. Inside the magazine was "The Library of Alice", an insert designed specifically for a dialogue with the boys.
many years (basically after the meetings in the library with Gianni Rodari) went or
developed a special relationship between the library and school children, especially primary school. Initially, the undersigned, librarian, was called into the classroom to talk about the library, but also to act poems aloud, and even Dante in middle school. Rise of poetry workshops and the guys invited me to put music in their poems, learned the songs and singing in a public concert. Over time, the laboratory was transferred to the library, and so, for years, the teachers arrive with pupils rather lively, curious first-hand the many books that concern them and are ready to ask questions, to demand an explanation.
for each class are held three meetings a year. The first is useful to make people comfortable with their kids' library located in an auditorium of the structure. The second is dedicated to the animated reading aloud, choosing modern poems and stories, but also classic fables and fairy-tale tradition.
The third meeting is to sing to children, accompanying me on guitar (sometimes with the piano) a score of "Nursery Rhymes in heaven and on earth" by Gianni Rodari. Some have been set to music by Quartetto Cetra historical, others by myself, initially to sing to the children of friends, eventually, unintentionally, to create a repertoire that affected all the children nicely. An example of the poem becomes music, an experience of encounter with an adult stranger to the family and school, a way of listening, which is rare for children, including a live musical instrument.
in Civita Castellana is how many teachers each year by embarking on the "Project Library", a tradition that has been consolidated over the years and has strengthened the relationship between school and library for the benefit of children .
Since 2001, the library gets the award of the Quality Mark by Regione Lazio.
Alfredo Romano
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