Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Letter Announcing New Chairman


(because the feedback I read somewhere that only the insiders was clear what above, I summarize: I strongly doubt that many of the non-structural variants of the Master Plan approved by this administration are not legitimate and bla bla following is needed to support this thesis)

my opposition à to variants PRGC pursuant to art. 17, 7th paragraph of the LR 56/77 is historical and is known to all.
Council still going to read the " MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL No. 35" with subject "OBJECT Variant partial PRGC pursuant to art. 17, 7th paragraph of the LR56/77 and mechanisms for relocation companies in the way Parrucchetto - Adoption "
Regardless of the variant from the object itself, in Minutes read: "Noting that the Commission II ^" Economic development and regional planning "in the meeting of 16/09/2010 expressed the following opinion: "The Council Committee expressed a favorable opinion the preparation of the variant provided that the property shall defray the expenses of the variant urban and provided that it is the closure of 50% of areas (as for other areas estimated production in PRGC) or their monetization. When making their version will need to check the compatibility with zoning and with the sound card of the foreseeable risks and instability (7LAP and PAI), will also be tested for retention of rainwater and their disposal, "
while in the circular of the Province di Torino dal titolo : "VARIANTI PARZIALI DI PIANO REGOLATORE ORIENTAMENTI PER L’APPLICAZIONE DELLA LEGGE REGIONALE N. 41/97" a pagina 5 si legge ( circ_41 ):
La motivazione deve essere esclusivamente quella del pubblico interesse ad assumere la variante, ancorché la stessa, come frequentemente accade, abbia origine da istanza di privati.
La sollecitazione di privati alla formazione della variante è ipotizzabile in via propulsiva, ma ne deve essere attentamente valutata dal Comune la compatibilità con i principi informatori del Piano.
La motivazione della variante è, in fact, crucial to avoid errors of law : and not so much in terms of the tasks entrusted to the Province, to whom that does not have jurisdiction, but in order to avoid giving rise to measures which do not appear legitimate already in their initial content .
Motivation intervening formation of the variant to be exhaustive, with particular reference to the public interest to pursue means by that action and impact on the existing schedule that produces the variant .
So if in the Province sine qua non of the motivation to launch a variant art. 17 / 7 "is the public interest, let me explain where there is public interest if" property shall defray the expenses of the urban variant . A well-known parliamentary would say one of two things, if you are working for public interest because the individual pays the costs associated with urban variant? Or where there is public interest, given that the individual is willing to pay the expenses?
As already mentioned, given that " The motivation for the variation is crucial to avoid errors of law "I have strong doubts that this variant urban contain the details of illegality in his own statement having clearly stated the sole private interest and not at all shown to the public interest.
Note then that the term " provided that the property shall defray the expenses of the urban variant " is by no means the first time that you hear in the text for approval of the partial variants PRGC


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