Poll (devoid of any statistical value)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Beby Schol Molested In A Bus
BIOGAS: The Council Committee (URBAN)
The Opinion Council Committee on Urban is as follows: " The Council Committee endorses the preparation of the Urban version that transposes the provisions of the City Council at its meeting on 1 March 2011 establishing the minimum in 2000 m. distance of future biogas plants and biomass residential civilians. "
all over? Not at all, in fact, the technical opinion of the office says:" analysis of the regulatory framework seems to be Conference Services is the only place where you can raise any objections and comments.
The proposal to establish the distance is, the case law, resulting in easy-to-appeal did not prevent the construction of a facility that you trust not always compatible with the context . It would seem more desirable to adopt countervailing measures (and / or require extensive preparatory studies) proportionate to its proximity to population centers that can serve as a deterrent by stimulating the locations best suited to the residence without openly contradict the dictates of legislation and obtaining supra, in fact, the desired result. "
Therefore it is clear that the imposition of distances can be a bank but first we must continue to keep vigilant . The battle then continues, perhaps shots of stamped paper even after the elections amministrative. Consiglio spassionato: chi è particolarmente interessato cerchi di avere anche qualche garanzia per il dopo elezioni.
Commissione Consiliare II “ Sviluppo economico ed assetto del territorio”, VERBALE del 07 marzo 2011:
Sono presenti i Sig.ri componenti della Commissione:
CAMMARATA Alessandro Presidente
MANDARANO Giuseppe Vice Presidente
ANGONOA Maria Luisa Commissioner
CANAVESE Elio Commissioner
are absent Messrs.:
Ruccello Commissioner Nicholas
also assist the Board Messrs.:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Cervix Penetration Doujin
The conference services spades responds to the implementation of biomass power plant in Italy Bagnasco
News by: biomass-Bagnasco
not motivated by the zoning hearing. Approval by the Mayor: "The only valid card to play it worked. "The applicant company shall submit application to the Tar
News by: biomass-Bagnasco
not motivated by the zoning hearing. Approval by the Mayor: "The only valid card to play it worked. "The applicant company shall submit application to the Tar
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Environment Report 2011: in Italy every year 500 square miles of concrete BIOGAS
" Each year, in our country, about 500 square miles of territory mainly agricultural would be sacrificed to the cause of cement but without bringing any benefits to those still without a home . The photograph is chilling: the Bel Paese is compressed between illegal building and aesthetic degradation and social ; order hydrogeological issues more urgent and more than 200,000 families in housing crisis. Still, would 4 million houses built in the last 15 years in major Italian cities . Too bad that those vacancy rates, often in the central areas are at least 1 million. "
And this, in Carmarthenshire, has happened in a big way in the last 15 years by 2000 in order to have empty houses (source PTC2 the Province of Turin) . It would be time to get calm down.
If we add that someone would dare to set fire to 350 hectares of farmland (920 days in Piedmont, so to speak) seems to me the most. For clarity I said "set fire" because cultivating corn to convert it into gas and then run the diesel engine is nothing more than "set fire" to grow crops that could be used far more .
Is It Safe To Take Cymbalta And Lyrica Together
traveling here for further information ...
If you are interested in further investigation ...
http://www.uniterre.com/carnets-de-voyage/, http://www.xiuart . org /.
If you are interested in further investigation ...
http://www.uniterre.com/carnets-de-voyage/, http://www.xiuart . org /.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Does Blood Donation Cause Period Delay
: Council Commission II (URBAN)
Egr. Mr. President of Commission II ^ "Economic development and regional planning," Alessandro Cammarata the century, it would be kind enough to sum up, not so much to me, the solutions found for the location of CHP plants running on biogas the territory of Carmangnola? ( ilmercoledi )
Alexander does not understand evil, formal application is only to remind the reader, your role and therefore the weight of your possible answer. Thanks in advance and also while you're at the last in a one-for-all
Letter Announcing New Chairman
(because the feedback I read somewhere that only the insiders was clear what above, I summarize: I strongly doubt that many of the non-structural variants of the Master Plan approved by this administration are not legitimate and bla bla following is needed to support this thesis)
my opposition à to variants PRGC pursuant to art. 17, 7th paragraph of the LR 56/77 is historical and is known to all.
my opposition à to variants PRGC pursuant to art. 17, 7th paragraph of the LR 56/77 is historical and is known to all.
Council still going to read the " MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL No. 35" with subject "OBJECT Variant partial PRGC pursuant to art. 17, 7th paragraph of the LR56/77 and mechanisms for relocation companies in the way Parrucchetto - Adoption "
Regardless of the variant from the object itself, in Minutes read: "Noting that the Commission II ^" Economic development and regional planning "in the meeting of 16/09/2010 expressed the following opinion: "The Council Committee expressed a favorable opinion the preparation of the variant provided that the property shall defray the expenses of the variant urban and provided that it is the closure of 50% of areas (as for other areas estimated production in PRGC) or their monetization. When making their version will need to check the compatibility with zoning and with the sound card of the foreseeable risks and instability (7LAP and PAI), will also be tested for retention of rainwater and their disposal, "
while in the circular of the Province di Torino dal titolo : "VARIANTI PARZIALI DI PIANO REGOLATORE ORIENTAMENTI PER L’APPLICAZIONE DELLA LEGGE REGIONALE N. 41/97" a pagina 5 si legge ( circ_41 ):
La motivazione deve essere esclusivamente quella del pubblico interesse ad assumere la variante, ancorché la stessa, come frequentemente accade, abbia origine da istanza di privati.
La sollecitazione di privati alla formazione della variante è ipotizzabile in via propulsiva, ma ne deve essere attentamente valutata dal Comune la compatibilità con i principi informatori del Piano.
La motivazione della variante è, in fact, crucial to avoid errors of law : and not so much in terms of the tasks entrusted to the Province, to whom that does not have jurisdiction, but in order to avoid giving rise to measures which do not appear legitimate already in their initial content .
Motivation intervening formation of the variant to be exhaustive, with particular reference to the public interest to pursue means by that action and impact on the existing schedule that produces the variant . "
La motivazione deve essere esclusivamente quella del pubblico interesse ad assumere la variante, ancorché la stessa, come frequentemente accade, abbia origine da istanza di privati.
La sollecitazione di privati alla formazione della variante è ipotizzabile in via propulsiva, ma ne deve essere attentamente valutata dal Comune la compatibilità con i principi informatori del Piano.
La motivazione della variante è, in fact, crucial to avoid errors of law : and not so much in terms of the tasks entrusted to the Province, to whom that does not have jurisdiction, but in order to avoid giving rise to measures which do not appear legitimate already in their initial content .
Motivation intervening formation of the variant to be exhaustive, with particular reference to the public interest to pursue means by that action and impact on the existing schedule that produces the variant . "
So if in the Province sine qua non of the motivation to launch a variant art. 17 / 7 "is the public interest, let me explain where there is public interest if" property shall defray the expenses of the urban variant . A well-known parliamentary would say one of two things, if you are working for public interest because the individual pays the costs associated with urban variant? Or where there is public interest, given that the individual is willing to pay the expenses?
As already mentioned, given that " The motivation for the variation is crucial to avoid errors of law "I have strong doubts that this variant urban contain the details of illegality in his own statement having clearly stated the sole private interest and not at all shown to the public interest.
Note then that the term " provided that the property shall defray the expenses of the urban variant " is by no means the first time that you hear in the text for approval of the partial variants PRGC
http://www.provincia.torino.it/territorio/sezioni/urbanistica/a_prg/varianti Monday, March 7, 2011
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Soundtrack ....
A proposal for a soundtrack from Carnet de Voyage
1988 album "The tea plant" Ivano Fossati.
Ivano Fossati Fabrizio De André sings along with Francesco De GregoriCBS, 4606641
The girls go to the beach in Florence Florence
girls should love
girls in Milan have 'step
plain that is beautiful to see
che è bello da incontrare
in questi posti davanti al mare
con questi cieli sopra il mare
quando il vento riscalda a suo tempo
il mare.
Le ragazze di Torino han' smesso di lavorare
alle sette hanno smesso di lavorare
e anche il treno da Torino è un treno di pianura
però dovrà arrivare
però dovrà arrivare
in questi posti davanti al mare
con questi cieli sopra il mare
fin da Pavia si pensa al mare
fin da Alessandria si sente il mare
dietro un curva improvvisamente
il mare.
E noi che siamo gente di Riviera
dove passano i cuori d'avventura
e noi non ci sappiamo perdonare
di non sapere dance
knowing too much to expect. And we do not know
dress and undress
we do not know and we do not know when it is time to tell tell
bars overlooking the sea.
The girls go to the beach in Florence
all hearts have to be reviewed
girls in Milan have 'that passage of the plains
which is nice to meet from
it is good to remember these places by the sea with these skies above
when the wind is cool at the time
the sea.
A proposal for a soundtrack from Carnet de Voyage
1988 album "The tea plant" Ivano Fossati.
Ivano Fossati Fabrizio De André sings along with Francesco De GregoriCBS, 4606641
The girls go to the beach in Florence Florence
girls should love
girls in Milan have 'step
plain that is beautiful to see
che è bello da incontrare
in questi posti davanti al mare
con questi cieli sopra il mare
quando il vento riscalda a suo tempo
il mare.
Le ragazze di Torino han' smesso di lavorare
alle sette hanno smesso di lavorare
e anche il treno da Torino è un treno di pianura
però dovrà arrivare
però dovrà arrivare
in questi posti davanti al mare
con questi cieli sopra il mare
fin da Pavia si pensa al mare
fin da Alessandria si sente il mare
dietro un curva improvvisamente
il mare.
E noi che siamo gente di Riviera
dove passano i cuori d'avventura
e noi non ci sappiamo perdonare
di non sapere dance
knowing too much to expect. And we do not know
dress and undress
we do not know and we do not know when it is time to tell tell
bars overlooking the sea.
The girls go to the beach in Florence
all hearts have to be reviewed
girls in Milan have 'that passage of the plains
which is nice to meet from
it is good to remember these places by the sea with these skies above
when the wind is cool at the time
the sea.
Toys R Us Philippines
I have reported this blog, even with only one post, it is significant, the author wishes!
discovered by chance (pain shared is a joy?):
and again on BIOGAS:
http: / / eco-karma.blogspot.com/2011/03/liberamente-estratto-da.html
course as you all know I'm not really a friend of the Environmental League and much less of 5 stars Movement, which on the one hand I am concerned (I've already caught once the epithet of "buddy" and I hope not repeat) and the other I'm glad because I have followed (see dates)!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Old Wood Chairs Dining Refinish
Motion made by minority group, seeks clarification of the Prefect to the Mayor Councillor
Il Gruppo di Minoranza ha inviato al prefetto di Salerno copia della mozione presentata al Sindaco con la richiesta di revoca dell’incarico di Consulente in materia Urbanistica all’ Ing Giuseppe De Rosa.
Nella mozione si richiedeva di iscrivere l’argomento all’ordine del giorno del Consiglio Comunale.
Il Prefetto di Salerno nella sua nota di riscontro ha chiesto al Sindaco di fornire chiarimenti.
Intanto il gruppo di Minoranza informerà il Prefetto di Salerno della mancata convocazione nei trenta giorni successivi alla presentazione della mozione, come previsto dal regolamento dei lavori del Consiglio Comunale.
Il Gruppo di Minoranza
Il Gruppo di Minoranza ha inviato al prefetto di Salerno copia della mozione presentata al Sindaco con la richiesta di revoca dell’incarico di Consulente in materia Urbanistica all’ Ing Giuseppe De Rosa.
Nella mozione si richiedeva di iscrivere l’argomento all’ordine del giorno del Consiglio Comunale.
Il Prefetto di Salerno nella sua nota di riscontro ha chiesto al Sindaco di fornire chiarimenti.
Intanto il gruppo di Minoranza informerà il Prefetto di Salerno della mancata convocazione nei trenta giorni successivi alla presentazione della mozione, come previsto dal regolamento dei lavori del Consiglio Comunale.
Il Gruppo di Minoranza
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The PDL tried to lose the vacuum, neck near the coronation
Paraphrase: Coppola Torino
Paraphrase: Coppola Torino
O king in the center-convulsive carmgnoles. After the whirlwind of names, some thrown on purpose to muddy the waters, el'accavallarsi news bouncing between Torino and Via Donizetti, would seem to have made it Bartolo neck. Exerted by the pressing Luca Baravalle on national senator Enzo Ghigo therefore had happened. The coordinator would even aired his resignation if he failed to get its proposal on the Planet.
is confirmed by the parliament and the Piedmont rumors away from Humility. At this point, the challenger Silvia Testa should be, subject to last-minute surprises - by no means unlikely - the Councillor for Culture and the Budget of the junta Surra.
reaction Massimiliano Pampaloni, the main opponent of the regional summits and from the beginning against the idea of \u200b\u200ba candidate "Mr. Beautiful" to the competition in May. The protest seems to mount by the hour, as the rumor spread among the party cadres. Via Marconi, home of the delegation of the PDL / League, there are those who threaten the split and the emergence of an autonomous group. Operations are underway, and the other on one front, actions that could dramatically reverse the decision.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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BIOGAS: The Council Committee (URBAN)
In reply to comment by Alessandro Cammarata Post Commission II :
" do not know where you've heard of a mile instead of two. If you tell me who you heard it. I want to reassure that Carmagnola next Monday at 18 I called the s econd Committee with the first item on the agenda regulatory biomass plants in our area. The distance of two thousand and one thousand meters I wanted it to be clarified in motion to avoid further speculation. So the building committee, of which you part, may no longer authorize construction projects such as this.
Alessandro Cammarata "
Alessandro Cammarata "
I am pleased that on Monday has been called Commission II with that agenda. I then I heard from a counselor in charge (a person who will tell you, although I think you can imagine) that already seek to soften the measure. This, despite knowing that it is easy to boast of, has raised the alert level.
The fact that I , as part of the building commission, has authorized the structures on the plant is true, we could not do otherwise without violating laws or rules in force e.
It seems to me that the little substantial difference was that, after seeing a little 'distrust of the structure, has said publicly asked to talk to my post biogas. The post is after the approval and so it could enter the public domain. Until he was only aware of the offices, having already expressed some doubt in the committee, I said nothing, hoping that other organs, as the committee responsible, to block the authorization process and I too have heard that "now it's all done. " Before that post, and the people who attended the conference services (Department of Environment, director of distribution and I hope, I think, city planning commissioner) and components of the Building Committee, no one else was aware. When I saw that no one would intervene, spear, and began the usual recitation of the "break" in now, I have known.
A administration, which should have as a beacon of transparency, does not seem to have behaved up to its promises and I am referring to political party offices were doing their duty just as I did in committee.
The responsibility for these choices, like so many others I have challenged only that having less impact were closed only in the entourage, and full load is purely political administration in its entirety. I knew only that some of the flight director of minority was aware of the concerns on biogas but, perhaps because "organic" or perhaps he had other more pressing, he had not grasped the impact that such a system could have and had, moreover, saw the beautiful white horse that was parked near them.
convening committee
convening committee
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Bus Groping Free Vedios
Great night last night in town
of Edivad Silasac ( facebook )
of Edivad Silasac ( facebook )
Finally we saw the participation of the people who took center stage and not helpless spectator of the local theater.
E 'was funny to watch the election campaign by the sports bar (with all due respect to this kind of local) which suddenly exploded as they filled the room (watching with the eyes .. always will ..)
Any open competition between Cettola to put their label on the motion "popular" and accaparrasi the merits in view of the elections, however embarrassing the words of the main figure, which insulted the intelligence of the citizens calling them a bunch of easy votes .. thought has not yet realized that it did not start from the banks of the left or right but only on the commitment and collaboration of people sensitive to their fate ( ed. I did not say anything ).
scandalous decision to review all the items on the agenda, leaving those who have to wait for a moment cut out of their full day to follow the advice (I tried to appeal to the president but ..) Anyway, it is the citizen which must be at the service of politics, no? But of course ... the rules, damn!
St. Bernard St. Bernard, thanks and no one else will continue to be below and above the situation, because trust is better ... but follow the course of events until the end is better! Meanwhile
already know the names (see "Carmagnola b side" of those who are responsible the preparation of the urban variant, although someone tried affirmative consent fantasies such as the cancellation of the project ..)
It seems that March 28 is planned for the 2nd half of the play, so eyes open because you just need a 'second e. .. oops!
Since the issue of meters have been discussed so much and ridiculous (as opposed to those who drew attention to the fact that since you do not know the risk is irresponsible to provide a precise distance .. because there are more bodies informed us on the subject ..) we do a lot of attention to the developments, the distances could be shortened (has anyone heard from 1 km to 2 km promised my God ... but the plant is moving!).
Comunque sia una bella prova di democrazia, complimenti a NOI.
Grazie -" davide 77
E 'was funny to watch the election campaign by the sports bar (with all due respect to this kind of local) which suddenly exploded as they filled the room (watching with the eyes .. always will ..)
Any open competition between Cettola to put their label on the motion "popular" and accaparrasi the merits in view of the elections, however embarrassing the words of the main figure, which insulted the intelligence of the citizens calling them a bunch of easy votes .. thought has not yet realized that it did not start from the banks of the left or right but only on the commitment and collaboration of people sensitive to their fate ( ed. I did not say anything ).
scandalous decision to review all the items on the agenda, leaving those who have to wait for a moment cut out of their full day to follow the advice (I tried to appeal to the president but ..) Anyway, it is the citizen which must be at the service of politics, no? But of course ... the rules, damn!
St. Bernard St. Bernard, thanks and no one else will continue to be below and above the situation, because trust is better ... but follow the course of events until the end is better! Meanwhile
already know the names (see "Carmagnola b side" of those who are responsible the preparation of the urban variant, although someone tried affirmative consent fantasies such as the cancellation of the project ..)
It seems that March 28 is planned for the 2nd half of the play, so eyes open because you just need a 'second e. .. oops!
Since the issue of meters have been discussed so much and ridiculous (as opposed to those who drew attention to the fact that since you do not know the risk is irresponsible to provide a precise distance .. because there are more bodies informed us on the subject ..) we do a lot of attention to the developments, the distances could be shortened (has anyone heard from 1 km to 2 km promised my God ... but the plant is moving!).
Comunque sia una bella prova di democrazia, complimenti a NOI.
Grazie -" davide 77
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Torino litiga e Roma decide. Se nelle prossime 48 ore non si trova un accordo il vertice nazionale imporrà la parlamentare Laura Ravetto come sfidante di Fassino Torino Sindaco
Il PdL di Torino sta per essere commissariato perché non è ancora riuscito ad esprimere il nome di un candidato sindaco; a Carmagnola avremo il commissariamento dal commissario di Torino ?
A Torino il problema è che il candidato è, molto probabilmente, for losing the game is to do too much in bad shape: there are a thousand ways to lose. In the Carmagnola
centrodrestra is, on paper, always winning, lost and lose to the fighting and because he failed to shake off some people that if they do take a vow to lose two. I will not name names, I do not want to peck any lawsuit for putting an apostrophe in the way, but each of us has in mind a certain list of people who have in common, then, the usual interest.
I then recalled that the plan is substantially saturated in recent years and no one has thought of how to harmonize the housing needs, legitimate interests of entrepreneurs, Development and exploitation of the territory in recent years, in essence, no one has come up with a new plan and now we see the furious arguments to steal crumbs.
With all this background research to become a candidate is really the quest for the Holy Grail but gentlemen, instead of many sectoral meetings, for the rule "divide and rule, I pull out the name that others are well combined and armed. Do not continue to go wrong opponent.
What Is A Clear Bubble In Your Mouth
The motion on the biogas plants to be implemented in Commission II
advise Members of the Commission II:
The motion on the biogas plants to be implemented in Commission II
advise Members of the Commission II:
Ruccello Nicola
Angonoa MANDARA Giuseppe Maria Luisa
Ruccello Nicola
Angonoa MANDARA Giuseppe Maria Luisa
CAMMARATA Alessandro
are they that must, first of all prepare the amendment to building regulations in the motion passed in the City Council on March 1.
The final approval of the Council must be made at the next Council (probable date around March 28) this being the last Council meeting before the elections. As they say, not for a lack of trust ( reprimand), but full and total confidence, I would not have passed the party, mocked the holy .
Let's be serious, the administration has dropped his trousers in a hurry when he realized that those present were many angry and documents, in the first instance, however, he has tried is the responsibility of the Province, now the die is cast, etc. . I do not want, after the Burian, someone tried again.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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BIOGAS - what happened to the majority? BIOGAS
Meetings SEL / Lega Ambiente, flyers, and various stresses that the majority does? Last night she appeared in a Franco Quattrocolo tone that tried, failed attempt, to download the Province responsibility policies of this administration. But, the assessor Happy Giuraudo environment, one that attended the conference services was not there. There were not and were felt all the candid souls who would be the type statutory Alex Salamone, Bartolo Neck Cavaglià not to mention that it should be at least aware seen his department. From a purely political point of view, I claim the right to think that Pampaloni and Pugnetti, League Secretary and mayoral candidate, has spoken Solomon (PG) with its motion. Baravalle And what happened to Luke? We'll see tonight in the Council or it will be too busy in the quest for the Holy Grail (name of candidate)?
I wish a good day to all the gentlemen.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 18:00
How Much Does Alan Get Paid In Two And A Half Men
SAN BERNARDO, Now or ever
From what I heard during yesterday's meeting, Monday, 28 / 2 / 2011, "Biogas in Carmarthenshire Central" at the Sala della Vigna Monviso, that Carmarthenshire is one of the areas with the worst air quality (source Lega Ambiente) for which any new plant, including the Eco, Bio , Agri, which introduces an additional pollution load must be able to have reduced at least in equal degree other sources of pollution . In this case, it should be demonstrated, contracts in hand, that the district heating systems were turned off so many individuals to balance, with interest, the new large fireplace that is being installed. I am convinced that, given the type of power stations in the area, it is very difficult to demonstrate this is to point values \u200b\u200b(winter) is above the average annual (summer heating systems are stationary, but the cogeneration engines running at full power) .
am looking for information on the classification of Carmagnola about air quality and the rules of which are referenced in the meeting. For now I still have not found anything. I hope someone is kind enough to give me a hand. Thanks
Currently there is no final approval by the Province of Turin by the municipality of Carmagnola . If the directors of Carmagnola can engage in a real way, without even much effort to prevent the construction of this obrobrio energy (diesel fuel consumed in the production of corn and corn transport, sewage and remnants of the process is, If all goes well equal, what will burn directly fueling diesel engines with CHP, but, in this case, you would then lack the incentives and convenience).
pollution carmagnola
Currently there is no final approval by the Province of Turin by the municipality of Carmagnola . If the directors of Carmagnola can engage in a real way, without even much effort to prevent the construction of this obrobrio energy (diesel fuel consumed in the production of corn and corn transport, sewage and remnants of the process is, If all goes well equal, what will burn directly fueling diesel engines with CHP, but, in this case, you would then lack the incentives and convenience).
pollution carmagnola
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