Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do Incest Happen In Real?

Surra "We need clarity"

From "The Wednesdays" ( . pdf)
"Also - go over - I asked him to pave the path which leads to the road and not to exceed 3 or 4-5 slurry slurry slurry of corn silage per day input, and the slurry to 5 day out with the waste processing "

specified: the mayor asked not to exceed day:
  • 3
  • slurry slurry slurry of corn silage
  • 4-5
  • 5 slurry out with the waste processing
Then at least a dozen "slurry" transit to the facility by a road that "maybe" will be paved ? And then it hits the corn silage, did not say that it was only Agrigeo sewage?
For the uninitiated the corn silage is commonly called fine and I know of a material with a more persistent stink.

Surra, then forget the history of the CHP, then engines, exhaust noise, eddy currents, etc..
The only technical reason I can come up with that place to place in such a system is the ability of district heating. So had all the guarantees, we could talk about it if and only if the management company was not large enough to have the convenience to declare bankruptcy in the event of civil litigation for damages and thus would have an interest to carefully maintain the industrial plant we are talking about. If away from home always better.

last note: you can not sell for clean energy from recycling. When I burn otherwise creating air pollution that is concentrated at the burn. The oil of the "slurry" is then where?


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