Monday, July 26, 2010

How To Built Boat Trailer

Laboratorio di scrittura creativa. Torraca Festival 2010. La pausa ri/creativa

International Association
Art, Books, Training
Via Vittorio Veneto, 31 84030 Torraca (Sa)

The International Association Poliarte, Torraca events within the Festival 2010, The break re / creative organizes a workshop in collaboration with the Holiday Altredizioni, Publishing House, the Municipal Archives "Biagio Mercadante”, la Biblioteca Comunale.
Dal 22 al 29 agosto 2010, a Torraca (SA), la prima led city al mondo.
Una vacanza imperdibile per chi ama l’arte, la poesia, l’enogastronomia,
i paesaggi, la vita semplice e raffinata ad un tempo.
Laboratorio di scrittura creativa:
- un tempo e un luogo dedicati all’esperienza della scrittura di testi di narrativa e di poesia;
- un tempo e un luogo per pensare e descrivere, sentire e comunicare;
- un tempo e un luogo dove il laboratorio della parola sarà l’emozione che farà da sfondo ad una vacanza utile, ma anche rilassante, confortevole e densa di significati umani;
- non lezioni, but a laboratory, to be brought into play;
- where you can achieve a delicate balance between physical and spiritual;
- where you can experience the natural environment and landscape in all its fullness and taste the dishes of the diet Mediterranean own site.
- The 28 is permitted to attend the prize-giving ceremony of the Prize Cordici, Mysticism and Religious Poetry and the concert of opera music associated with it;.
- led by Luciana Gravina,
- with authoritative contributions by Elio Pecora and Roberto Deidier;

The laboratory is to produce poems and / or narrative
in comparison, in the eventual trial new forms of expression,
reading in public squares and / or in private gardens in the country.
E 'intended for people who write for personal interest and passion for business and profession, students who wish to improve their writing skills in Italian, as well as learn how to narrate and to poetry, to teachers who wish to grow their pupils with educational
The laboratory will be built with no less than 10 and not more than 30 participants.
Cost: No To
7 nights accommodation with breakfast (arrival on the afternoon of Sunday, August 22 and August 29 the day of departure);
For No 8 meals, registration fee for
Poliarte, Partnership,
€ 490.00.
Hospitality Bed & Breakfast at the Convent of the Sisters of Saint Anthony Grillo, Cardin,
room for two people. For a single room is required a daily supplement of € 5.00.
Meals at restaurants Sergeant, The Inn of the Baron, From Ninuccio.

To register complete the registration form and return it by email or Poliarte, Via Vittorio Veneto 31, 84030 Torraca (SA).
The module will find in the www.
For information:
www. / convent
www. / baronial castle


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