Thursday, January 1, 2009

How To Recess A Wall Plug

seventh edition of the Bishop Archbishop Angelo Spinillo

publish poetry Spinillo Archbishop Angelo, President of the Jury Prize Cordici us to send a Christmas card. We plan to please our readers, loyal Cordici Award and thank the author for the opportunity for reflection che ci offre.

Anno Pastorale 2008-2009
“Allora Gesù fissò lo sguardo su di lui, lo amò...”
(Mc 10,21)

Santo Natale del Signore, 2008

Quel giovane che un giorno ti venne incontro
chiedendo cosa dovesse fare per avere la vita eterna,
ti chiamò “Maestro buono”.

Questa notte ti contemplo nel presepe,
nato tra noi,
e come annunziò l’Angelo alla tua mamma, Maria,
ti chiamo “Gesù”,
came to give salvation to the people from their sins.

As this young man, I would like to introduce
too many questions,
because, yes, I am rich,
and are usually convinced to do many things well.
maintaining the values \u200b\u200bthat I learned from their fathers
and all that the law of my people taught me.
I can say that I am not like many others:
thieves, unjust, adulterers ...
rather fast and I also had to pay.

But I still ... as anxiety in the heart:
life, all I get repetitive and often boring;
do not feel the taste of the joyful beauty, the fragrance of goodness.

But you are here with us,
shivering in the cold and a little straw
You are with us, "full of grace and truth":
your smile, calls us "friends "and attracts our soul,
your innocence enlightens us to the greatest joys,
your kindness warms our hearts,
your freedom, true love, revive our hope.

you who have passed through the heavens to give us the light of life,
on this holy night
welcome our hopes and make us worthy to be with you forever.
with you, Jesus, You alone
, look with love on every human heart.

+ Angelo Spinillo
Teggiano-Bishop of Policastro


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