Sunday, December 27, 2009

Driving In Italy On Indian Licence


Sua Eccellenza, Vescovo, mons Angelo Spinillo, Presidente della Giuria del Premio Cordici, ci ha inviato anche quest'anno una poesia densa spirituality and emotions.
I am pleased to share with the people of the Prize Cordici.
Greetings to all, Luciana

pastoral year 2009-2010
"Loyalty to Christ, faithful to the priesthood"

Holy Birth of Our Lord 2009

"Glory to God for peace men
"Come, come, let us worship ..."

At the four corners of the earth comes the new voice
man, awakened by the deadly torpor of indifference,
calls his brother: "... let's go to Bethlehem."

Bethlehem, House of Bread,
you in the land has become altar
a natural shelter is now the temple of the Lord's glory.
Here the streets converge,
dispersed humanity is caught in a new people.

the straw of the world has offered the sacrifice for the alliance:
the faithful God brings to completion the word of life,
gives his Son,
enshrined forever in faithfulness to the Father.

In your arms extended over the manger,
poor sign of welcome human
between the bands that surround you, baby Jesus,
lives the priestly act of the offer.

And You, the full glory of the Father,
that come to us as the light of grace and truth,
welcome and present to God, even our poor gifts
and allow our arms rise up with your
with you and we do priests
with you we devote to offer love
because the land is submerged and live in the sky.

+ Angelo Spinillo
Teggiano-Bishop of Policastro

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Has Anyone Used Nystatin For Baby

We write ...

publish the email sent to us by Fulvio Fedele

Dear Dr. Gravina,
I learned from his website that my poem "I prepare a tent, "
sent to the VII edition of the Cordici of mystical poetry and religious
scored one of five "special mention".
I am honored to achieve a result that I consider very
positive for both the premium and Cordici
for the high professionalism of the members of the jury, and for the ability of the three poets winners and other competitors that I know
even if only in name.
As I have already informed the Secretary of the Prize Dr. Iannelli, I
impossible to be present at the awards ceremony. I ask you to kindly
therefore extend my cordial greetings to all present at the ceremony
and sincere gratitude to the jury for the attention he wanted
dedicated to my poems. Regards Fulvio


Alexandria, August 26, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Whitening Cream In Deutschland

Cordici Prize Winners Prize


The red snow in Kabul Tiziana Monari;
I'll make a tent of Fulvio Fedele
thinned silences Tenan Ramis;
L ' hermit Metropolitan Luciano Mussell;
not to tear the crucifix Vitantonio Boccia;

Prize Winners "Cordici" as provided for in the contract, and three on the same floor, with no graduation. All three are entitled to € 500, and hospitality for the prize-giving ceremony to be held August 29 at 17.00 in Santuario di Santa Maria dei Cordici in Torraca (SA).


Fiorenza Bettini, You, Poetry,
Francesco Macchi, On some verses of the Bible;
Daniela Raimondi, Prayer;

Exhibition Award

City Torraca Municipal Archives "Biagio Mercadante"
Public Library

Cultural Association presents Poliarte

Mysticism and Religious Poetry
VII edition
artistic direction of Luciano Gravina


Jury: Angelo Spinillo
SE, Bishop of Teggiano (Chairman),
Elio Pecora, Francesco Sisinni, Biagino Limongi, Judge Don Elijah

Chamber Music Recital

Soprano Carmen Petrocelli
Piano Hiroko Sato
narrator Umberto Iervolino

In collaboration with Chez Arts Society

Sanctuary of Santa Maria Cordici - Torraca

Clear Desk Poly Example


Cordici The Jury Prize was given the results of his work on the texts of the finalists.
The poems were tested anonymously and then linked to their authors.

Poems reported: Orthodox
ad altare cattolico di Gianfranci Bozzi;
Lungo l'asindeto, echi di chiamate di Gabriele Bonzi;
Essenza di gioia di Roberta Bagnoli;
Tu, Poesia di Fiorenza Bettini;
Non strapparmi il Crocifisso di Vitatantonio Boccia;
La parabbola der fijo prodigo di Sabrina Balbinetti;
Dentro me di Mario Battaglia;
Il perdono di Alessandro Bertolino;
L'eremita metropolitano di Luciano Musselli;
La neve rossa di kabul di Tiziana Monari;
Il sapore dell'attesa di Patrizia Cozzolino;
Nel cielo del Signore di Claudio Caldarelli;
Non lasciateci soli sull'arca di Giovanni Caso;
Agar di Laura Giorgi;
Senza fede di Patrizia Iervolino;
Sopra alcuni versetti della Bibbia di Francesco Macciò;
La tua forma di Rosalba Panzieri;
Diradati silenzi di Ramis Tenan;
Preghiera di Daniela Raimondi;
Di un uomo riscopertosi bambino di Davide Rocco;
Solo immani silenzi di Marcelloo De Santis;
Ti preparo una tenda di Fulvio Fedele;
Celeste di Giulia Vannucchi;

Monday, August 3, 2009

Burst Blood Vessel Breast

List of poems



a. Ortodossa ad altare cattolico
b. Dalla carne (arietta)
c. Preghiera del soldato
Bozzi Gianfranco
2 a. Lungo l’asindeto, echi di chiamate
b. Lectio di vita
c. Run, run
Bonzi Gabriele

a. Care and home
b. Essence of joy
c. Catharsis magic
Bagnoli Roberta

a. A butterfly
b. You, Poetry
c. The island
Fiorenza Bettini

a. The prodigal parabbola der fijo
b. The parabbola der bon Sammaritano
c. Travel Travel
Balbinetti Sabrina

a. Do not tear the crucifix
b. Our Lady of Lourdes
c. Our Lady of Medjugorje
Boccia Vitantonio

a. The hermit metropolitan
b. For a pastor mountain
c. Audi nos Domine
Mussell Luciano

a. Imagine
b. The peace of
c. The Life I Want
Magli Simone

a. Bradamante
b. Soul outline
c. Comet Christmas

a. The red snow in Kabul
b. Creating
c. The leaves of December 11
Monari Tiziana

a. The flavor of waiting
b. Song of God
c. Along the streets locked memory
Patrizia Cozzolino

12 a. Forgiveness
b. In the name of God
c. Three women
Alessandro Bertolino

13 a. Inside of me
b. Amazement before the Only
c. Bystander all'astile
Battle Mario

14 a. The Passover of Judah b.
The Long Good Friday
c. On Easter day
Baronti Nicola

15 a. Psalm of silence
b. Emmaus
c. Prayer
Calabrese Rocco
16 a. Of a man discovered child
b. On my cross
c. Lantern of Love
David Rocco
17 a. B. unexpected echo of voices
Reflections of light c.
Sprouts of hope
Clemente Cypress
18 a. Monte Nebio
b. In the sky Lord
c. Benedict
Caldarelli Claudio
19 a. Do not leave us alone on the ark
b. So we'll see
c. Splendor of the seed case
20 a. Soliloquy of a soul with God
b. Christmas after the earthquake
c. Alba night
Domenico Corvi
21 a. Now
b. I do not know
c. Silhouettes
De Giovanni Rizzo
22 a. Golgotha \u200b\u200b
b. The eyes of John
c. Mystery of love
Maria Pia De Martino
23 a. Suffering
b. My son did not say
c. Dying life
Dell'Eva James
24 a. Here I am back to you
b. As the rain covers their tears
c. I wanted to leave roses
Rossana Di Iorio
25 a. The wait
b. Resurrection
c. Secret
Marco Di Pasquale
26 a. Were you on the cross on Mount
b. Just appalling silence
c. Marcello De Santis A voice

27 a. Light
b. C. The appointment
The Journey Of God
Morgano Maricla
28 a. Let me instead, please, on the cross
b. Happens to me like a wound
c. I'll make a tent
Fedele Fulvio
29 a.
breath of dawn b. The lot belongs to me
c. In the Bekaa Valley
D'Ambrosio Leo
30 a. In the midst of this barren
b. For three days
c. I'll wait
Alberto Frigo
31 a. Words of Jesus before the passion
b. Words Peter's in the wait Saturday
c. Do you give the evening
Frederick Peter
32 a. Emanuele
b. Spirit of Love
c. Hermitage
Mario Girardi
33 a. Sanctuary on line
b. God walks on the heart
c. Here the light
Federica Galli
34 a. I think
b. Agar
c. Remember me
Laura Giorgi
35 a. Your hand
b. Where
c. Tired and dissolved
Luiso Domenico
36 a. Without faith
b. The eternal imperishable
c. The prodigal son Patrick
37 a. Problem of God
b. For the unborn daughter of the poet RSThomas
c. Tango of the uomoni faith
Iacolare Antonella
38 a. Migrants (the boat)
b. Migrants (The night journey)
c. Migrants (the arrival)
Maghini George
39 a. On some verses of the Bible
b. Solvet saeculum
c. My lumen
Macciò Francis
40 a. The words and the word
b. We point
c. Haiku
Luigi Morini
41 a. It's raining on my crib
b. God to find
c. Your form
Panzieri Rosalba
42 a. Scent of hyacinths
b. In vain
c. Maria Rosa Pant doubt

43 a. Prayer
b. Promised Land
c. Prayer II
Raimondi Daniela
44 a. Thinned silences
b. From time immemorial, people
Please c. In the adventure of life eternal
Tenan Ramis
45 a. Tsim.tsum
b. Overnight
c. I am stunned
Peter Dried
46 a. The two prisoners
b. Extra comunitas?
c. Goodbye to God
Villa Antonio
47 a. Waiting for Christmas
b. Celeste
c. Miracle
Vannucchi Giulia
48 a. Still says the light of heaven
b. Not to close doors tonight
c. S'azzera any glimmer
Vetromile Joseph
49 a. Via della Croce
b. Archangel Prayer
c. Antonio Vitolo aspiration

50 a. Night grove
b. Mandala
c. A slow steps in the square
Laura Vicenzi

Friday, July 10, 2009

Tally Error Of Memory Violation C000005

Prize finalist Cordici, seventh edition, 2009: work in progress

Some members of the Jury of the Year 2005 Award

Cordici, seventh edition, 2009, is going ahead.
This year 220 competitors from Italy and abroad.
The organization is working to send parcels as soon as the works in competition with members of the jury.
The award ceremony will be held August 29, at 17:00, at the Sanctuary of Santa Maria dei Cordici to Torraca (SA)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Adult Royal Footman Costume


Il Comitato di Gestione della Biblioteca Comunale ha effettuato una mostra di pittura per i giovani talenti emergenti di Brancaleone. L'iniziativa è stata molto apprezzata ed ha riscosso un notevole successo. La mostra è rimasta aperta un mese nel periodo di Natale e si ripeterà nel periodo estivo su richiesta di molti addetti ai lavori.

How Soon Will Gonorrhea Disappear After Treatment


Comitato di Gestione Biblioteca Comunale “Cesare Pavese”
Brancaleone (RC)



Dott.ssa Anita Augustine
Conservation of Architectural and Environmental


Dr. Caramel Joseph Nucera - President of Association "Apodiafazzi"

Dr. Sebastiano Stranges - Honorary Inspector Ministry of Cultural Heritage

Prof. Edward Crump - University Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria

Chair: Dr. Alberto

Circolino - Chairman Management Committee Municipal Library

Sunday, April 19, 2009 17:00

LIBRARY MEETING ROOM "Cesare Pavese" Brancaleone (RC)

You are invited to participate

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How To Make Motor Machine

Cordici Award. Call 2009. CHRISTMAS 2008

International Association of Art,
Culture, Publishing, Education
Via Vittorio Veneto, 29 84030 Torraco (SA) Tel
fax 06 / 99288455 mob.
339 1383436 E-mail:

Award Cordici ", poetry and mystical religious
Announcement 2009
Seventh edition

Name of Award: Award Cordici "of mystical poetry and religious
submission deadline: June 15, 2009
address to send texts:
Award Cordici "of religious and mystical poetry, Biblioteca Comunale, 84030 Torraca (SA)
is not permitted for e-delivery Email

operators: three unpublished poems on mystical and religious character.
will not be allowed those who send less than three poems.
Participation is open to all authors in the Italian language in the world.
can not participate in the winners of the last three editions.
The Jury's decisions are final.

number of copies to be sent: Six copies of each text in only one signed.
(Draw off the three poems for six times to have six sets of which one signed)
attach a separate biographical information with the relevant curriculum.

Membership fee: None .
Prizes: Three prizes of € 500.00 and five honorable mentions.
(The prizes must be collected in person by the winner, or lose)
Award: August 26, 2009, the Sanctuary of Santa Maria dei Cordici, Torraca (SA)
Winners will be guests of the organization.

Jury chairman, Angelo Spinillo SE, Bishop of Teggiano, members, prof. Elio Pecora, prof. Francesco Sisinni, prof. Judge Don Elia, prof. Biagino Limongi.
Secretary's Award: Dr. Iannelli Sunday, tel. 333 6692202
Art Direction, prof. Luciana Gravina


******************** *********************

Award Cordici "of poetry mystical and religious

* The Prize "Cordici" of religious and mystical poetry, which in this year 2009 celebrated its seventh edition, it seems, at present, only one of its kind in Italy.
It is, in fact, not only of religious poetry, which is more commonly practiced, but also of mystical poetry, a genre not only complex and difficult to process, but also to recognize, because it involves the spirituality of the person regardless of his religion.

* The award aims to religious dimension: in the past editions in fact there were participants from non-Catholic religion.
no coincidence that poetry, like music, is a tool for learning and communication beyond the pale.
In this perspective, the Prize also aims to be, in his small, instrument processing thoughts of peace.

* A premium of mystical poetry is certainly audacious, but encourages us to proceed and to organize the seventh edition of the success we have enjoyed previous editions.
winners from every part of Italy, attest to the involvement of a large territory in which the news of this event brings around the name of Torraca, Sapri, the Gulf of Policastro, land Cilento, Salerno, Campania.

* People who, thanks to these events, have experienced the beautiful sites and views, not only that, but the hospitality of the farm holiday accommodation above Torraca, Sapri area, asking to come back and thank us for having offered them the opportunity of cultural vacation. And of course we invite you to continue.

* The uniqueness of the award, because of mystical poetry, is one of the reasons for which this Association has decided to continue the experience of first editions and identify with the tradition that is not on the national territory.
Other purposes, but not minor, are those that the Association to pursue its statutory nature, that is:
- to support the growth of art forms in the area,
- to promote awareness through reflection induced to do and enjoy the art in historical and geographical conditions peculiar to each,
- Strengthening capacity development through the construction of comparative cultures: the interior of the territory and the acting out.

Award uses a panel made up of cultural figures of the place or originating
that honor with the minifestazione their prestige, and with the help of a competent and proper intervention.
Angelo Spinillo SE, Bishop of Teggiano, President, prof. Elio Pecora, prof. Francesco Sisinni, prof. Judge Don Elia, prof. Biagino Limongi.
• The Award uses the Patronage of Torraca, Municipal Archives "Biagio Mercadante" Torraca, the Public Library of Torraca.

How To Recess A Wall Plug

seventh edition of the Bishop Archbishop Angelo Spinillo

publish poetry Spinillo Archbishop Angelo, President of the Jury Prize Cordici us to send a Christmas card. We plan to please our readers, loyal Cordici Award and thank the author for the opportunity for reflection che ci offre.

Anno Pastorale 2008-2009
“Allora Gesù fissò lo sguardo su di lui, lo amò...”
(Mc 10,21)

Santo Natale del Signore, 2008

Quel giovane che un giorno ti venne incontro
chiedendo cosa dovesse fare per avere la vita eterna,
ti chiamò “Maestro buono”.

Questa notte ti contemplo nel presepe,
nato tra noi,
e come annunziò l’Angelo alla tua mamma, Maria,
ti chiamo “Gesù”,
came to give salvation to the people from their sins.

As this young man, I would like to introduce
too many questions,
because, yes, I am rich,
and are usually convinced to do many things well.
maintaining the values \u200b\u200bthat I learned from their fathers
and all that the law of my people taught me.
I can say that I am not like many others:
thieves, unjust, adulterers ...
rather fast and I also had to pay.

But I still ... as anxiety in the heart:
life, all I get repetitive and often boring;
do not feel the taste of the joyful beauty, the fragrance of goodness.

But you are here with us,
shivering in the cold and a little straw
You are with us, "full of grace and truth":
your smile, calls us "friends "and attracts our soul,
your innocence enlightens us to the greatest joys,
your kindness warms our hearts,
your freedom, true love, revive our hope.

you who have passed through the heavens to give us the light of life,
on this holy night
welcome our hopes and make us worthy to be with you forever.
with you, Jesus, You alone
, look with love on every human heart.

+ Angelo Spinillo
Teggiano-Bishop of Policastro