International Association of Arts, Culture
, Publishing, Education
Via Vittorio Veneto, 29 84030 Torraco (SA)
Award Cordici, "Mysticism and Religious Poetry
Announcement 2010 Eighth edition
Name of Award: Award Cordici "Mysticism and Religious Poetry
submission deadline: June 30, 2010
address to send texts:
Award Cordici" Mysticism and Religious Poetry, Public Library, 84030 Torraca (SA)
E-mail: Poliart7@gmail.com "
is not permitted shipment e-mail
operators: three unpublished poems on mystical character and / or religious.
will not be allowed those who send less than three poems.
Participation is open to all authors in the Italian language in the world.
can not participate in the winners of the last three editions.
The Jury's decisions are final.
number of copies to be sent: Six copies of each text in only one signed.
(Draw off the three poems for six times to have six sets of which one signed)
attach a separate biographical information with the relevant curriculum.
Membership fee: None.
Prizes: Three prizes of € 500.00 and five honorable mentions.
(The awards will be handed personalmente dal vincitore, pena la decadenza)
Premiazione: 28 agosto 2010, ore 17,00
Sala Polivalente, Torraca (SA)
I vincitori saranno avvisati telefonicamente e saranno ospiti dell’organizzazione.
Giuria: Presidente, S.E. Angelo Spinillo, Vescovo di Teggiano, membri, prof. Elio Pecora, prof. Francesco Sisinni, prof. don Elia Giudice, prof. Biagino Limongi.
Direzione artistica, prof. Luciana Gravina
Per informazioni:
E-mail Poliart7@gmail.com
, Publishing, Education
Via Vittorio Veneto, 29 84030 Torraco (SA)
Award Cordici, "Mysticism and Religious Poetry
Announcement 2010 Eighth edition
Name of Award: Award Cordici "Mysticism and Religious Poetry
submission deadline: June 30, 2010
address to send texts:
Award Cordici" Mysticism and Religious Poetry, Public Library, 84030 Torraca (SA)
E-mail: Poliart7@gmail.com "
is not permitted shipment e-mail
operators: three unpublished poems on mystical character and / or religious.
will not be allowed those who send less than three poems.
Participation is open to all authors in the Italian language in the world.
can not participate in the winners of the last three editions.
The Jury's decisions are final.
number of copies to be sent: Six copies of each text in only one signed.
(Draw off the three poems for six times to have six sets of which one signed)
attach a separate biographical information with the relevant curriculum.
Membership fee: None.
Prizes: Three prizes of € 500.00 and five honorable mentions.
(The awards will be handed personalmente dal vincitore, pena la decadenza)
Premiazione: 28 agosto 2010, ore 17,00
Sala Polivalente, Torraca (SA)
I vincitori saranno avvisati telefonicamente e saranno ospiti dell’organizzazione.
Giuria: Presidente, S.E. Angelo Spinillo, Vescovo di Teggiano, membri, prof. Elio Pecora, prof. Francesco Sisinni, prof. don Elia Giudice, prof. Biagino Limongi.
Direzione artistica, prof. Luciana Gravina
Per informazioni:
E-mail Poliart7@gmail.com